lunes, 11 de junio de 2007


The world space is nowadays configured by transactional spaces. The speed of the flows of goods and money transactions and the flows of digital information and population shape the panorama of this century as well as redefine the space. The flow of mediatic imagery by means of the technology aims of expanding markets and gaining consumers, more than connecting localities and weaving new forms of relations and interchanges. The relation to the enviroment, as an explotative relation, as well as to the worker, as an alienated worker, are the basis for the market economy, as a system in sate of permanet expansion, transformation and colonization of new monetary territories.
Such force and flows, have as the main vector for this movement the aim of an economic transactions, most in forms of unequal exchanges and money speculation. The logic of the market as a totalitarian logic of this century makes use of the technology of speed of flows (the ship, the boat, the internet, the airplane, staircases, the elevator, cars) in order to optimize the surplus. All this technology at the service of the mobility for economical transactions.

Trance Land is a spatial concept that explores other potentials in the flow.
The state of flowing, transitions and errancy has the potential of expanding the territory of relations, beyond monetary transactions. Trance land is a space for liberation. Being free temporary from a fixed root, gives the possibility of exploring new territories and relations. Such state has the potential of transformation for the subject, who experiences a process of de- and reterritorialization.
The journey through other spaces for temporary periods of time, driven by aspirations, love, material need or practical necessity, creates a new complex geography where people weave new relations between new territories and unfamiliar cultures, with the potential of creating new spatial and social configurations for encounters, to recreate the sense of home in the modern capitalistic cities, as places of congestion, anxiety and paranoia for the individual, places for the "unhomely" modern condition.
The landscape becomes the sea, the space the boat or the bag and the actor a traveler, who is in the state of passage.
"Passing through", and "crossing borders and frontiers" through paths and highways, like a contemporary Ulysses, a warrior trying to return home (Le Retour d'Ulysse)
To be a la dérive (drifting), quoting Guy Debord as a technique of passage through varied ambiences and microclimates. It involves playfull behaviour and awarness of psychigeographical (urban) effects, by letting oneself be drawn randomly by the attractions of the terrain, the social morphology and the encounters they find there.
Through surfaces, terrains for walking, wandering, sliding: reconnected to the earth and sea, to the primar state of nomadim.

While being lost, disoriented and errant a threshold between different cultures and spaces is created. By this, the " lost traveler " in "strange" places has the possibility of reconsidering his vision of origin and home with great moments of nostalghia . Home become the final goal: the return to Itaca.
The body in trance, terra in trance, other land and loss place are the different angles of the same crystal ship.


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